
Seeking God in prayer helps us live according to what is good, true, and beautiful. Prayer connects us intentionally with our Creator (our Father-who-is-in-heaven).

He is our strength and guide, the source of all goodness, truth, and beauty.

Prayer Requests

If you need prayer about something in your life, we would love to pray for you.

Helpful Resources

The Anglican Way includes a practice of prayer called The Daily Office. As we develop healthy habits of daily devotion, it is a helpful way to pray — whether as a family or a couple, with friends or by yourself.

The Daily Office

The Daily Office helps us engage in prayer, confess our sin, and offer praise to God. It also provides an opportunity to read God’s Word daily. is a great online resource for this purpose (iPhone app here). Family Prayer is another shorter option, excellent for families or those new to this practice. Lastly, the Daily Prayer App (for iPhone and Android) is another wonderful app inspired by the Daily Office.

For those who prefer audio, the Daily Office Podcast is available on Apple or Spotify.

The Book of Common Prayer

The Daily Office is contained in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Besides the Daily Office, the BCP contains the weekly worship liturgy text, the Sunday lectionary, daily Scripture reading plans, the Psalms, collects, and other prayers. Hard copies of the 2019 BCP can be purchased here.

Sunday Lectionary Readings

Every Sunday across the world, Anglican Churches read specific Scriptures from the Lectionary. This unites us as a global church body, and it engages us with the Bible throughout each year. Curious what Scriptures will be read this Sunday? View the Sunday Lectionary.

Collects & Other Prayers

Collects are a type of short prayer that derive their name from the Latin word collectio which means “the act of collecting together.” Each collect has a specific theme and contains these parts: 1. an address of God or his character, 2. a petition or request, 3. the desired result if that petition is answered, and 4. a conclusion that ends in praise to God.

View the Sunday collects here or other prayers for various occasions (from the Book of Common Prayer).


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