Ordinations — A Work of the People Pastor Owen is being ordained to the Priesthood on Sunday evening, May 5, 2024. This is your doing! Yes, he has studied, prepared,...
Gone Hiking :) I’m going to do some hiking and catch a Braves game with some very-long-time friends this weekend! It will be awesome to see them and...
Further Reflection on St. Thomas In case you’d like to have a little more fuel for considering the gift we receive in Thomas’s encounter with the Risen Christ,...
Invitation to Holy Week I once heard someone describe liturgy as “immersive theater.” When we gather on Sundays there’s a story being told, but it’s not...
Making a Full Week of Holy Week One beautiful thing about Easter holy days is that they are not cluttered with cultural add-ons. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the...
Filler of Cups, Flipper of Tables I love a good party. I love gathering folks together who may or may not know one another, feasting together and telling stories,...
The Life-Giving Season of Lent In our hunger for God, we sometimes find ourselves attempting to fill our neediness with lesser things. At times these lesser things can...
The Journey of Lent Every year, the King family makes a cinematic pilgrimage through The Lord of the Rings trilogy. As we journey to Mordor and back to the...