Vine Groups

"I am the vine, [y'all] are the branches."

(John 15:5a)

Join Us for Our Fall 2024 Groups

This fall, we will grow together by studying through the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship course (EHD) as we start our Vine Small Groups again. Groups will meet for once a week for nine weeks from September 8 through November 10.

This is our first time running EHD, and we expect it will become a regular part of our rhythms as a community.

Purchase the Participant's Pack

“Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” involves readings, a workbook, and a daily lectionary book. Be sure to purchase this pack to be received before groups launch. These materials are necessary for taking part in the group. Audio versions are available of everything except the workbook for those who prefer (here and here).

If your budget doesn’t allow for the cost of the materials, don’t hesitate to let us know when you sign up; finances should never be an impediment to our growing in Christ together.

Why Small Groups?

We consider small groups (and you being in one) a crucial component of walking with Jesus together.

Knowing Jesus means encountering him in various ways — large worship gatherings, and smaller intimate settings. This is why we host groups.

“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them… He asked them, ‘What are you discussing together as you walk along?’ (Luke 24:15, 17 NIV)

How Do Groups Work?

Vine Groups will run seasonally throughout the year in 8-10 week commitments. During these seasons, we will meet every week in 8-15 people gatherings.

These are not classrooms but conversations — we learn better in circles than rows. Each meeting will involve a topic, reflection, and prayer for you to engage in as you are comfortable. Our intention is to go deeper than what we can see above the surface of our lives.

“They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, ‘Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?’ ‘What things?’ he asked.” (Luke 24:17b-19 NIV)

What Are Our Group Rhythms?

All of life involves rhythms, whether intentional or not. We set our Vine group rhythms so there is space between them. Our hosts and guests can rest from gathering for a time, and we can invest in our local neighborhood relationships.

When we lean into our groups, we expect to be changed by encounter — primarily with God and then through one another. We expect every group season to leave us changed, whether or not the study is familiar. True learning is transformation through encounter.

“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” (Luke 24:31-32, NIV)

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship will be a regular part of our group rhythms. This course of practice and study shapes our whole integrated selves as we follow Jesus—body, mind, and spirit—and seek to be the mature church that Jesus calls us to be.

Will You Join Us?

There is a seat just for you in one of our Vine Groups. No matter the life season or your faith experience, we invite you to join us.

No matter your feelings about yourself or about church, and no matter how excited or hesitant you are about joining in, you are welcome.


Stay updated about upcoming events and our latest Think On These Things blog.

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