"I Believe..."

The Creeds

From the earliest days of the church, Christians have been sharing the story of our faith through creeds. Derived from the Greek 'credo,' meaning, 'I believe,' a creed is a profession of faith designed for corporate use. For centuries, they have also summarized the essentials of the universal Christian faith.

Every Sunday, we recite either the Apostles' or the Nicene Creed as part of our worship. These creeds provide a basic statement of what we believe, in continuity with the historic church.

Scripture • Sacrament • Spirit

The Anglican tradition draws from the "three streams" of historic Christianity. These streams flow from the same source, with each contributing to the health and life of the Church. In our fellowship, we hope to welcome and to be formed by:


We believe the Bible is the authoritative guide for God’s people, telling the true story of the whole world.


We believe God has chosen to work through physical objects – water, wine, bread, oil – to commune with and strengthen His people.


We believe the Holy Spirit is presently at work in the world: supernaturally filling, empowering and gifting all those who confess Jesus as Lord.

What Is An Anglican Church?


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