Dear Vine,
Thank you for all your input about our service time — survey responses, off-the-cuff conversations, leadership’s input, and prayer. The video clip below announced that we are moving our service time to 3pm, beginning February 2nd.
After this service and every first Sunday, we’ll also have a potluck dinner so we can eat and fellowship together. We’d appreciate if you would sign up to bring something to these potlucks.
Here is a bit of recap from the video announcement:
- This is a response to receiving the “slow growth” we’ve been praying for at The Vine.
- We are committing to this through the month of May while gathering feedback.
- We will begin on February 2nd with a Potluck meal after the service, and continue 1st Sunday potlucks.
- This move supports The Vine’s hospitality, mission, and logistics (watch the clip for more).
This may or may not come as a surprise because we’ve taken months to discern and talk about this possibility, and we plan to continue the conversation as we move ahead. It is no small decision. However you find this impacting you, will you let me know? The best part of this job is getting to talk with and be with you.
God’s peace on your home,
PS Don’t forget to sign up to bring something to the potluck!