Stepping into anything new can be a scary proposition. Whether it’s a new job, a new coffee shop, a new school, a new trail, or a new friendship.

One new experience sticks in my mind: my first visit to a New York sandwich shop. There was a LONG line, and a large menu board with tiny letters. This near-sighted tweenager couldn’t hardly see the options until you were about three people away from the front. But if it was your turn to order and you hadn’t decided yet, you were gruffly told “Back of the line!” and the NY Sub shop walk of shame commenced… for me, right out the door!

Now imagine someone you hope will come to know the transforming love of Jesus. What might they need so they have the best shot at seeing him clearly? Anglican Bishop Todd Hunter makes an observation that is important for us:

The paths seekers are taking to faith are different now than just a [couple] decades ago. The last few decades seekers tended to listen their way into faith. That meant our role was to talk. Now seekers are talking and observing their way into faith. This means our role is listening.

In other words, a mere sandwich board experience won’t do. Respecting the newness of faith and church, we must offer a sit-down dinner (metaphorically and physically)! How might we love them well so they have the best shot at feasting on life-sustaining faith in Christ?

If you haven’t heard, The Vine is running something called Alpha beginning June 12th. Alpha is an 8-week small group experience to explore big questions of life in community, and over a meal. (Read more about Alpha here.)

This is our sit-down dinner for our friends and family. At Alpha, we hospitably receive all who might be curious about faith — skeptical, antagonistic, other faiths, wounded Christian faith, etc. No question is too hostile or simple, and nobody is pressured to say or believe anything. Everyone is welcomed with love — no surprises, and nobody will send our guests to the “back of the line.”

In future weeks, you’ll hear about how you can support Alpha. But for now, allow me to invite you to begin praying:

Who is one person in your life the Lord might be leading you to invite to this new thing, Alpha?

(If that person is you, RSVP here.)
